About the 123HotelGift

What is a 123HotelGift card?
A 123HotelGift card is a gift card for hotel stays. You can order it quickly and give it as a gift. The recipient can "redeem" a 123HotelGift card by booking at www.123HotelGift.com. You can choose from more than 290,000 hotels worldwide.
How long is a 123HotelGift card valid?
123HotelGift cards are valid for two years from the date of purchase.
Which hotels can recipients choose from?
123HotelGift card can be used for more than 250,000 hotels worldwide. You can quickly search and book via www.123HotelGift.com. All relevant information is displayed there to make your choice as easy as possible.
Can a 123HotelGift card also be used to pay for other services (such as spa or dinner)?
Yes, as long as you find these in our reservation systeem.
Can a 123HotelGift card only be used once?
You can use 123HotelGift more times. Until the entire credit has been used.
Can multiple 123HotelGiftcards be used for a booking?
Yes, that is possible. To do this, you must contact our customer service.support@123HotelGift.com
What should I do if my 123HotelGift card is lost or stolen?
If you have lost the 123HotelGift card, please contact our customer service (support@123HotelGift.com). After verification, you will receive a new booking code. You can still use it to make a booking.
Can I book a hotel without a 123HotelGift card?
For this you need to contact customer service.
In which countries are 123HotelGift active?
Via 123HotelGift.com website, you can book hotels of your choice worldwide.

To order a 123HotelGift, additional costs.

Are there additional costs associated with buying a 123HotelGift card?
No, the amount you paid will also appear on the 123HotelGift Card. There are no additional costs for you. For Giftboxes there is a charge including postage fees. If it concerns a more complex booking for which customer service is needed, you will be charged a reservation fee.
How much should I give to the recipient?
That of course depends on your budget. Hotel prices can vary greatly depending on the season, occupancy and location. On www.123HotelGift.com you can view the hotel prices.
What to do to order a 123HotelGift in last minute?
Just follow the 3 steps from our website. Then it is arranged within a few minutes.
Who chooses the hotel?
The recipients choose the hotel by making a booking on www.123HotelGift.com

Business orders

How do I order 123HotelGift card for my employees or relations?
Use the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also call or send an email. Important to know: Is there a minimum 123HotelGift card value? No Can I have a card specially designed for my organization? Yes, this is free. You can choose by sending digitally or a personalized email or a designed PDF by post.
What should I do if I don't (yet) know the recipient's name?
Leave the field open. As soon as you know the names(s)of the recipients, please advise us.

After received the 123HotelGift Card

How can I book a hotel?
If you have received a Room Gift, you can use it to book a hotel. Go to www.123HotelGift.com to book a hotel. You can choose from worldwide hotels. When you have booked you will receive a booking confirmation.
How can I cancel or change my booking?
Check the cancellation policy of the hotel you booked. If the booking can be canceled, please send your cancellation request with the booking confirmation to support@123HotelGift.com. The refunded amount will be returned to the 123HotelGift card that was used to make the booking. To change a booking, you must first cancel and then make a new booking.
Can I exchange a Hotel Gift for cash?
No, you can only use a 123HotelGift voucher to book a hotel.
What happens if the cost of a hotel booking is higher than the value on my 123HotelGift card?
If you want to book a hotel that costs more than the value on your gift card, you will automatically be asked to pay the remaining amount through our system.
What happens if the cost of a hotel booking is lower than the value on my 123HotelGift card?
If the hotel where you want to stay is cheaper than the value on your 123HotelGift card, the remaining amount will remain on your card for later use.